COVID-19 Dating: New Rules of Engagement in the Age of Social Distancing
It’s a bit of a cliché now to say “everything has changed” in 2020. But, let’s face it, a lot of what we deemed normal has been transformed — perhaps forever. In such an environment, where do dating, sex, and romance fit in?

In the News: Quoted in March 13, 2018 Well + Good
I was recently quoted in the following Well + Good article by Zoe Weiner . Hope you enjoy! Could your phone be ruining your relationship?

In the News: Quoted in Huffington Post article on December 21, 2017
It’s easy to get off track with your New Year’s resolutions when you’re the only one holding yourself accountable. If you’re in a relationship, though, you have a leg up: When you set goals as a couple, you’re far more likely to keep each other focused on achieving them.

In the News: Quoted in November 13, 2017 Huffington Post article
To help you figure out what to talk about ahead of time, we asked therapists and psychologists who work with couples to share their favorite first date discussion points. See what they had to say below.

"It's Never Too Late to Reclaim Your Life!"
“So, does everyone in the movie theater look like me?” I playfully asked the ticket taker. “Um, I’m not sure,” he said, answering carefully.On September 8, 2017, I saw “Year by the Sea,” a film (now available on Amazon and iTunes) about an older married couple, Joan and Robin.

Guest Blog Post for Fifth Meridian Travel Blog
Fifth Meridian Travel featured a guest blog post I wrote entitled “Incompatible Travel Styles? 5 Tips from a Couples Therapist for a Great Trip!

Dealing with Anger in Your Relationship: Yelling or Keeping Quiet?
“When one partner is really upset at the other, is it better to just outright express the anger, or to hold off? I’m trying to get better at expressing myself, and my friend’s trying to get better at not yelling.

One Common Relationship Misconception
I was reminded about a common relationship misconception when I was walking to work and heard a man singing along to Paul Simon: “You don’t feel you could love me. But I feel you could.” Ah, a frequent through line in relationship problems!

Open Sesame! 3 Ways to Guarantee Your Partner Will Open Up!
You can probably guess that the "3 Ways to Guarantee Your Partner Will Open Up!" part of this title is written tongue in cheek!

In the News: Quoted below in Huffington Post Article
Skip the breakup and picture-tearing stage and simply don’t date him to begin with.
It’s important to give people a chance while dating, but there are some red flags you just can’t overlook:

Benefits Of Couples Therapy
Every interpersonal relationship requires work and maintenance, especially romantic relationships. Whether it’s a long term dating relationship, a long lasting engagement, or a marriage, all couples eventually experience problems they need to address together.

What's Love Got to Do with It? Everything!
Are you doomed to marry the wrong person, as a May 28, 2016, New York Times article stated? Union Sq./E. Village NYC therapist Diane Spear takes on the question in this post.

Relationship Villain? Or Not?
Do you have to make someone a villain to spend less time with them or to break up? This was a recent topic of conversation with a young adult woman, and is a great question

Unrealistic Relationship Expectations? Learn the Realistic Alternative!
What do you, Cinderella, and Prince Charming have in common, aside from being a great catch professionally and personally? If you're like most people, you and these storybook characters share some unrealistic relationship expectations.

Love and Connection: Oliver Sacks and Living Fully
Love and connection. In reading Oliver Sacks’s February 19, 2015, op-ed piece in the New York Times in which he tells us of his metastasized cancer and what he describes as his “detachment” from life, I was struck by his acute engagement with his life.

The Joy in Everyday Life
I read an interesting “Opinionator” piece in the New York Times called “A Decade of Goodbye,” about the process of helping a loved one die.

Couples Counseling With High-Conflict People
The following article, “Couples Counseling With High-Conflict People,” is adapted from a 2013 guest post I wrote for Randi Kreger's Psychology Today “Stop Walking On Eggshells” blog.

Communications Technology vs. Relating
Communication is supposed to be helped by technology, right? We’re available 24/7 now, through cell phones, texting, Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. We may be communicating, but are we relating?

Family Language
The article below about family language, also known as “chemistry,” was originally published on Your Tango, an online women’s magazine. Diane Spear, LCSW-R The emotional family language of childhood attracts you to familiar people and situations: chemistry.