Following are testimonials about Diane Spear as a therapist from patients and professionals who refer to her, and as a public speaker and workshop leader from those who have organized and attended talks and workshops she has presented.
Testimonials from Patients about Union Square/Greenwich Village NYC Therapist Diane Spear
“The concepts of taking control of my emotional state and owning up to my ability to choose joy rather than darkness are empowering. You did a world of good for me in a very short time!”
—MK, White Plans, NY
“I have visited at least a half dozen therapists of various persuasions and for a variety of reasons (most having to do with bad relationships) in the past but Diane Spear is a keeper!
I originally met with her because I was in a toxic work environment and, over time and with her help, came to realize that my relationship with my boss mimicked some of my past failed romances and some extremely negative family experiences. Diane has taught me that actions follow thoughts and that life without anguish and drama is not only possible but joyful.
She will not tell you what to do in any situation you might describe during a session, but will help you figure out what’s really going on (in your head and on the ground) and how you can devise your own solutions to the problems at hand. Working with Diane Spear, I have become much warmer in relationships, less frequently “overwhelmed” by the demands of real life, and more mature.
She is a good therapist and a good person to work with and to know.”
—CF, Brooklyn, NY
“I first started seeing Diane nearly a year ago twice a week. I’ve had a successful career on Wall Street but had not been happy in my life for some time which caused me to smoke and drink too much. She made me realize the smoking and drinking were symptoms of something deeper.
Very early on, Diane helped me discover the root of what I refer to as ‘my issues’ which were largely derived from a childhood filled with abuse and I developed defense mechanisms to avoid the abuse. These became useful business skills later in life but prevented me from achieving satisfaction and happiness.
I fed and lived off of significant peoples’ compliments and was devastated when I did not receive them. I lived my life in daily fear that my business colleagues would discover I was fallible. Much of this distress carried over to my personal life and relationships.
Diane has been amazing and helped me learn a great deal about who I really am, and most importantly who I want to be. The journey has been enlightening and has not been easy at times. Diane has made me look back at mistakes I have made and I understand why I made those mistakes….
Most importantly, my work with Diane has brought about a significant change in my thinking, actions and I find myself happier more satisfied with myself. People in my personal and professional relationships have noticed I am more at peace with myself.
I recommend Diane highly to anyone.”
“Over the past three years, Diane has been instrumental in providing guidance and advice that has enabled me to lead a far more happy and fulfilling life.
In her approach to treatment she is direct, firm and consistent, whilst also being warm and supportive.
She introduced me to psychological concepts and techniques that I use every day to help me to reduce anxiety and frame issues more effectively. She used techniques such as metaphors and real-world examples to help me learn and internalize these practices.
She has been enormously effective in teaching me how my thoughts and actions are based upon key fixed ideas and perceptions which are embedded but flawed and then using this framework to repeatedly examine things that happen in my life day to day so that the fundamentals of anxiety, frustration and anger are addressed as opposed to the symptoms.
For anyone who is serious about getting well and having a happier, more fulfilling life, I couldn’t recommend her enough.”
“I’ve been seeing Diane since I was in my mid-twenties – more than 15 years! I would not be living the joyful, rich, fulfilling life that I am now without engaging in this process with Diane. Diane helps me confront and tackle my unconscious narcissism and dependence so that I am able to identify and take responsibility for the ways I engage with the world.
Over the past 15 years I’ve learned (and keep learning) how to sustain intimacy and warmth in my relationships, how to communicate clearly and without drama, and how to approach new experiences and mistakes as situations to learn from. Over the course of these fifteen years, I’ve gotten out of unfulfilling and crazy relationships.
I’ve moved into work that I love that allows me to be present for my family. I’m in a happy marriage, raising three young children. The work I do with Diane feels crucial not only to helping me recognize and cultivate joy in my life, but to continuing to build my marriage and navigate the challenging and wonderful adventure that is parenthood.”
—ZW, Brooklyn, NY
“I started seeing Diane several months ago when my husband and I were facing some issues with our marriage. I wasn’t getting enough from the relationship and placed most of the blame on him. We entered treatment separately and in the months since I’ve been seeing Diane, she has opened my eyes to the numerous ways I am responsible for what I bring to the relationship and can increase my satisfaction on my own.
Our focus has extended beyond my relationship into other realms of my work and personal life. I have always considered myself to be successful and relatively well adjusted, but Diane has helped me recognize several unproductive, deep rooted patterns in my behaviors and thoughts. Through our work, I have much greater awareness of and control over my thoughts and emotions. I’m starting to let go of the expectations of others and am shifting my focus to what really makes me happy.”
“Life Changing! Diane has been my therapist since the late 90’s when I lived in NYC. Since then, I’ve moved across the country and she has remained my therapist by phone. She’s very skilled at getting to the root of the issue and helping you deal with that reality. She’s compassionate with a great sense of humor and is committed to the process. If you’re looking for a therapist to tell you what you WANT to hear, she’s probably not for you. But, if you’re looking for a therapist to tell you what you NEED to hear, then she’s perfect for you.”
—KH, Phoenix, AZ
Testimonials from Professionals Referring to Union Square/Greenwich Village NYC Therapist Diane Spear
“As an attorney and mediator specializing in divorce work, both traditional and collaborative, I work with individuals and families in transition. I have referred several people to Diane – in one case it was a college-age child of a divorcing couple, in another it was someone who had to overcome cultural problems with the fact of divorce itself. In these situations and the others she helped the people to better know themselves and gain strengths to move forward in their lives.
I am always confident when referring Diane because she deeply listens and projects warmth while skillfully doing her work as psychotherapist. She is skillful and insightful and while strict confidentiality is kept between us whenever these referrals occur my clients thank me and convey that they feel they are being helped.”
—Elaine Nissen, NY and NJ Family Law Attorney, Mediator, Collaborative Law Specialist
“Diane Spear is the kind of therapist who I do not hesitate referring to my nutrition clients. She’s not the kind of therapist who will just listen and let you stay stuck. She’s tough and will call you out on your stuff so that you can move forward and start getting the most out of life. I’ve referred clients dealing with a sudden death of a loved one as well as ones looking to make a career change or manage stress. I’ve referred her to many and will continue to do so!”
—Coleen De Vol, Nutritionist, www.justfeelgood.com
“Diane is excellent at what she does and can really help people when they need some guidance/counseling. I have referred people to Diane when they needed a sounding board and needed to work through certain issues in their life. I would recommend Diane to my friends, family and colleagues, as I trust her implicitly.”
—Gregg Knepper, Insurance Advisor
“Making a referral for a therapist is far more complicated than most referrals since the crises are fraught with what often look like insurmountable obstacles. Some people don’t even realize they have a problem that can be resolved. It isn’t enough to find someone who is a good listener—friends can do that. What is needed is one who can listen and help the person find their way out of their difficulty. This requires strong communication skills, a deep understanding of people and a desire to serve.
Diane possesses these qualities along with patience and the most calm demeanor I have ever seen. She brings a wealth of real life experience to her practice. I will continue to recommend friends and colleagues in need to her because she is well equipped to help them.”
—Shelley Simpson, Entrepreneur
“Diane Spear is a colleague with whom I have worked with and referred EAPs and patients to. Diane is knowledgeable, kind, and thoughtful. The essential ingredients for a superior psychotherapist.”
—Anne Newhouse, Psychotherapist
“I recommend Diane without hesitation. Our paths have crossed professionally, and she is always rock-solid in her thinking, and reassuring in her approach.”
—Phil Mann, Communications Director
“Diane is a brilliant and passionate person who is extremely dedicated to her clients. I trust sending people who are closest to me to speak with Diane when they are going through a difficult time and recommend her highly to everyone.”
—Leah Jampel, Custom Interior Finishes
Testimonials for Union Square/Greenwich Village NYC Therapist Diane Spear as Public Speaker/Workshop Leader
“I recently participated in a workshop conducted by Diane at my children’s school. The workshop focused on the balance among parenting, working, and having a meaningful relationship with one’s spouse. Diane was phenomenal. Over the course of an hour, she gave practical, on-point, user-friendly, and realistic advice on how to balance various obligations to lead a happier life. The room was full of parents and professionals in the educational field; all were taking notes and absorbing her analysis and advice. Everyone left the workshop with action items that they could actually use. I, for one, implemented Diane’s advice about morning routine the very next morning after the workshop. It’s not the easiest thing to get my three young children out of the house, fed and properly dressed, on time for school. Our mornings used to be stressful and often unpleasant. Yet Diane gave us suggestions that were simple to implement; they made a very big difference in my mornings. It’s still hard work to get the kids out of the house in the morning, but thanks to Diane, I am more in control and the children are calmer. We are actually happy in the mornings now and can start our day the right way. With much appreciation and gratitude, I highly recommend Diane as a trusted and practical advisor for a happier life.”
—Natasha M., Attorney
“Diane Spear’s workshop on ‘Modern Parenting: Lessons in Juggling’ was resourceful and empowering for parents simultaneously trying to manage work demands and family needs. Her presentation suggested making quality time with our children and spouses a priority over conventional household and parenting routines. She infused her own personal humorous anecdotes along with creative suggestions for parents on relevant topics. Her presentation was both insightful and entertaining, lending itself to an interesting discussion with the parents.”
—Yael Sommer, LCSW, Social Worker at Port Washington Children’s Center
Helping People Find the Joy in Everyday Life!
Therapy That Works
"If you’re looking for a therapist to tell you what you WANT to hear, she’s probably not for you. But, if you’re looking for a therapist to tell you what you NEED to hear, then she’s perfect for you." —KH, Phoenix, AZ
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