HBO’s ”Succession”: What Can We Learn from These Flawed Characters?
One of my favorite series in recent years is HBO’s drama “Succession,” about the Roy family, led by the hugely flawed and highly successful aging patriarch Logan Roy.

Your Partner’s Addicted to Gambling: What Do You Do Now?
One of the most important foundations of any relationship? Trust.
Sadly, that trust can be shattered by addiction. If drugs or alcohol come immediately to mind, that’s not unusual. Yet, gambling addiction can just as easily tear apart an otherwise loving couple.

Calculating Math of a Good Time!
You may be great at math, but not so accomplished at calculating math of a good time. What does calculating math of a good time even mean?

The 5 Stages of Intoxication
Are you over-drinking? Some people say there are 5 stages of intoxication: jocose, verbose, bellicose, lachrymose, and comatose. Others add grandiose, morose, and adios! Let’s take a closer look.

Substance Use Disorder and "Nurse Jackie"
Season Five of Showtime Channel’s darkly comic “Nurse Jackie” proves my contention that “if you deal with the behavior without confronting the underlying issues, you’re just switching chairs on a sinking ship.

The Geographical Fix vs. Therapy
In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), members talk about going for a geographical fix. What is a geographical fix, you ask? It’s the idea that if you’re miserable in NYC, you can fix your life by moving to San Francisco or some other place.

Learning Impulse Control from David Mamet
Remember writer David Mamet’s statement from the previous two posts, that every scene in a play or film should answer three questions: Who wants what from whom? What do they do when they don’t get it? Why now?