Just Tell Me What You Want!
We may think that we’re making all the decisions in our lives based on our own desires, but that may not be the case. Society gives us so many messages about what we should do and should want and we may not understand that our decisions as adults are based on those societal messages.

Holiday Gatherings: Fun, or Frustration?
With the holiday season ahead, you may be making plans, drawing up a guest list, planning your flights, wrapping up work projects, testing new recipes for your festive meal, all of the things to ensure a fun and relaxing gathering for yourself, family, and friends.
Some of us have close and loving relationships with our families. Some have strained family relationships and lots of tension. Others have walked away from abusive families and have warm relationships with friends that they consider family by choice.

6 Reasons You May Find It Difficult To Get Help After Trauma
If you’ve experienced trauma, you may find it difficult to seek help. Why? There are many possible reasons why. Let’s explore just a few.

“Succession” and Ambivalent Loss
“The king is dead, long live the king!” is a phrase we’ve heard throughout history to announce the death of one monarch and the upcoming coronation of the next.

Risk and resilience
The German intellectual Goethe is quoted as saying “The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.” How’s that for an interesting paradox?!

What’s the Role of Worry and Anxiety in Your Life?
Did you grow up in a family that was calm, or one where people second-guessed, catastrophized, fantasized doom and gloom scenarios, or worried about what friends—or even strangers—thought of them?

The Importance of Therapy for Therapists
Sigmund Freud once said: “Anyone who wishes to practice analysis should first submit to be analyzed himself by a competent person.” This is not to suggest that only good therapists go to therapy. However, it does highlight an important concept. Since everyone struggles from time to time, why would a therapist be immune from this reality?

What Is Trauma Dumping and Is It Harmful?
We’ve all vented to a friend from time to time. Whether it is to get something off your chest or to receive some sort of advice and guidance. This is a normal part of relationships.

What You Need to Know & Understand About GAD
Anxiety is a normal, inevitable, and often helpful human emotion. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the world. Yes, these two facts can be true. And yes, these facts alone feel like cause enough to feel anxious! However, understanding your own experience primarily comes down to the degree to which you feel anxiety.

How Your Overworking Is Linked to Your Anxiety
Overworking is far too often considered to be a positive and highly recommended trait. It’s positioned as a factor related to values and ethics. However, it can be a very dangerous trend steeped in both perfectionism and anxiety.

The Physical Impact of Trauma: What to Recognize & How to Respond
Everyone faces potentially traumatic events. In some cases, these experiences result in trauma which can turn into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Those struggling with this condition may have to deal with anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, substance abuse, social withdrawal, depression, and thoughts of death or suicide.

PTSD Takes a Physical Toll: What You Need to Know
We know about the mental toll such people face. In addition, the connection between homelessness and suicide is widely discussed. As terrible as all of this is, it is not the full story. People with PTSD may struggle with a wide array of physical symptoms. This connection is crucial to understand.

Suffering from Natural Disaster PTSD: What You Can Do to Cope
If you or someone you know is showing possible signs of PTSD following a natural disaster, professional help is absolutely invaluable. This is not a condition to try handling with self-treatment alone. That said, it most definitely is a condition that benefits from certain self-help efforts.

What You Need to Know About Your Period & Your PTSD Symptoms
There are several effective PTSD treatment protocols. However, for women, it is particularly important to factor in the impact their menstrual cycle has on the disorder and its symptoms.

People Can't Accept & Respect Your Decision to Remain Childless? How to Respond
Almost half of women under 44 have never had children. Yet, we still live in a society that equates womanhood with motherhood.

6 Ways Exercise Helps When Anxiety Has You Wired & Wound Up
On some level, many of us understand that exercise benefits our mental well-being. Not surprisingly, however, this can be lost in the shuffle of busy schedules and myriad obligations.

Lots of UnVaxxed Loved Ones? How to Graciously Get Out of Gatherings
The holiday season often comes with loads of invitations to attend social gatherings. It also means there will be some gatherings you’d prefer to skip. Why? The reasons are many, yet, this year, you may prefer to say “no” to events based on Covid vaccination status.

What You Don’t Know Is More Important Than What You Know
It’s not a humiliation to admit you don’t know something. Being humble is a good thing! Admitting that you don’t know something allows you to continue learning.

How You Can Cultivate Resilience in the Age of COVID
Resilience can be hard to find without help. It can be hard to sustain without the mental and emotional tools. Like any other characteristic or skill, it can be taught.